Using Lavender Oil to Treat Colds and Virus
Stopping the Sniffles using Lavender
Lavender oil contains compounds that are antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-fungal. This basically means Lavender kills and inhibits germs and viruses.
If you have a cold bug going through your home or office then use Lavender Essential oil to help stop it. Diffuse it into the air to clean and purify the air and stop those airborne germs.
This is so much healthier than to spray though nasty unpronounceable chemical disinfectant sprays. Those alone could make you sick!
Lavender also helps to uplift one's mood and this will definitely help the immune system boost it's defenses.
Ways To Help Stop the Germs Using Lavender
- You can add drops to a spray bottle of water and spritz down areas of transmission such as the phone, doorknobs, and counter. Dry with a clean cloth.
- Diffuse it in an Aromatherapy Diffuser to cut down the airborne germs and to uplift the emotions.
- Try sipping Lavender tea to boost the immune system
- Use Lavender Inhalation Therapy to aid the clearing of sinuses and ease breathing.
Everything- Lavender.Com is not responsible for any use or formulation of any recipe listed on this site. It is your sole responsibility to educate yourself on essential oils, to understand their unique properties and to use sound judgment in their use.