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Lavender Oil Acne Treatments

Naturally Treating Acne using Lavender Oil

    Acne can be devastating when not managed. Lavender oil can help treat acne breakouts because it has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties.  It is also a circulatory stimulant. Read on to learn how to use Lavender oil for acne.

     We all know that acne is caused by bacteria growing in our pores. Using a facial rinse that contains Lavender essential oil can help keep these bacteria in check naturally without the use of harsh chemicals. Lavender also reduces redness caused by skin inflammation, and irritation.

Lavender Acne Treatment, Lavender Essential Oil Acne       Using Lavender Essential Oil To Treat Acne

     The Lavender essential oil increases blood flow to the skin tissues because it is a circulatory stimulant. The increase in blood to the skin brings much needed nutrients to the cells along with oxygen. This means healthier skin cells and a radiant glowing complexion that everyone will notice.

Lavender Facial Rinse For Acne

     You can find facial rinses and toners on the market that contain Lavender essential oil or you can make your own. This toner helps to treat acne as well as prevent it.

     The simplest recipe for a acne toner is to purchase a bottle of Dickenson's witchhazel or another brand is fine too. Add 6-10 drops of Lavender oil to the small bottle and shake well. Apply with a cotton ball or facial pad as needed to your face throughout the day. The witchhazel has astringent properties and increases the effectiveness of the Lavender.

     You may put this in a small purse atomizer and carry it with you to spritz your skin. This is highly beneficial after going to the gym and exercising. It also feels wonderful on a hot summer day if you keep it in the refrigerator and use it chilled.

Facial Steaming Using Lavender for Acne

     Use Lavender oil for face steaming. Add a few drops of oil to a facial steamer or to a bowl of steaming water. Put your face over the bowl allowing the steam to open your pores and benefit your skin. This is a wonderful way to relax for 20 minutes. Your skin gets pampered as well as you receive some aromatherapy stress relief at the same time.

Lavender Oil Acne Spot Treatment

     For that stubborn pimple try applying a single drop directly to the offender. You may do this twice a day. Redness, swelling and irritation should be dramatically reduced in no time when you use Lavender oil for acne.

     This works as an Lavender oil acne scar treatment too! You will see the scars fade slowly. Always use sunscreen as sunlight increases scarring.

Go Back To Lavender Oil Uses - Ways To Use Lavender Essential Oil

Everything-Lavender.Com is not responsible for any use or formulation of any recipe listed on this site. It is your sole responsibility to educate yourself on essential oils, to understand their unique properties and to use sound judgment in their use.

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