Using Lavender Oil in the Bath
Bathing Using Lavender Oil

Taking a bath after along day what could be more relaxing? You can make that soak in the tub even more so by adding Lavender Essential Oil to your bath. You could use Lavender Bath Salts, a bath sachet, or a body wash containing the essential oil.
Lavender Oil soothes jangled nerves, helps to ease muscle tension, and calms skin irritations. Don't forget it smells wonderful too! See recipe below.
Enjoying a Lavender aromatherapy bath is as simple as adding 5-10 drops of essential oil to you bath water and soaking the days aggravation away. You can also make your own Lavender Bath Salts, and Lavender Bubble Bath.
Keep them sitting next to the tub in a pretty container ready for use at a moments notice. What could be more relaxing then soaking in a scented bath after a long day.

Everything- Lavender.Com is not responsible for any use or formulation of any recipe listed on this site. It is your sole responsibility to educate yourself on essential oils, to understand their unique properties and to use sound judgment in their use.