Pink Lavender
Pink Lavender Flowers?
Pink Lavender is a wonderful Lavender variety. Just another of the different Lavender colors available in the genus.Pink Lavender flowers such as the ones on Lavender Melissa are the softest of petal pinks. Perfect to use for drying or in crafts just as you would use any other Lavender.
Buy Melissa Lavender - 1 Plant
Buy Melissa Lavender - 4 Plants
Pink Melissa Lavender is a member of the Lavandula angustifolias or English Lavenders.
Gently mounding habit with pink flowers that have a slightly longer bloom time than other pink Lavender plants. Provides a wonderful visual contrast when planted next to a bright purple flowered Lavender such as hidcote.
Ellagance Pink Lavender
Ellagance Pink Lavender is another angustifolia that bears lovely pink blossoms.
Hardy Zones 5-8
Blooms: Spring
Mature Height: 12-14"
Spacing: 12-16"
Attracts Bees, Attracts Butterflies, Deer Resistant, Rabbit Resistant
Buy Ellagance Pink Lavender
Pink Lavender Rosea also known as Jean Davis
Lavender Rosea bears pink flowers on plants that grow 18-24" in neat mounds. The sweet clean Lavender fragrance is that of True Lavender as Rosea is also an English Lavender. Rosea Lavender is commonly sold in the US as Jean Davis.
Zones: 5-8 cold hardy to -10 degrees Fahrenheit
Light: Full Sun to Partial Shade
Height: 18-24"
Width: 15-18"
Bloom Time: Midsummer to Fall
Buy Jean Davis / Rosea Lavender Plants
Coconut Ice Pink Flowers turning to White
Coconut Ice bears deep pink flowers on plants with silver green foliage. A Lavandula angustifolia(English) with upright and spreading growth habit with highly fragrant blooms appearing early summer through fall.
Hardy Zones: 6-9
Bloom Time: Summer
Color of Bloom: Pink, fading to White
Immediate shipping in pots. Dormant shipping in winter.
The list of pink Lavender plants include Clarmo (also called Little Lottie), Coconut Ice, Faire Pink, dwarf Hidcote Pink, Jean Davis (also called Rosea), Lodden Pink, Melissa, Miss Katherine, and to name just a few.
No matter which plant you choose everyone should have at least one pink Lavender plant to enjoy. I have planted mine right next to my front walkway where the gentle pink Lavender flowers can be enjoyed by everyone who passes by.
Try grouping different colors together for an eye catching Lavender garden. There is even a pink Spanish Lavender stoechas named Tickled Pink!