Organic Lavender
What is Organic Lavender?
Well let's begin with looking at the term Organic. Organic refers to the method of growing without the use of synthetic chemical fertilizers, sprays or products using sound healthy agricultural methods. Below you will learn more about Organic Lavender, scroll down to buy Organic Lavender Oil.
The land in itself must be certified organic before the product that is produced from that farm land can be certified also. Farmers can begin selling their product as organic after 2-3 years of practicing organic agriculture but certification takes years longer.
Farms making the change into organic agriculture must wait for certification to be given. Organic certification won't be given until after a time period of several years have passed in which organic practices have been implemented in the Lavender fields. The land has to have time for the persistent chemical residues to be broken down by soil organisms and for any remaining toxins to have dissipated.
Well now that you understand what it means to grow or produce organically you now know that organic Lavender is grown under those farming conditions and is not a particular Lavender variety. The United States now issues a certified organic seal on those items that meet the above criteria.
This species of plant is naturally resistant to pests already due to its essential oils and really doesn't need fertilization so it is easy crop to grow organically.
Why is Organic Lavender important?
Organic is healthier both for you and the planet. There are less chemical toxins and residues remaining in the land, the water and your body. We all carry around toxins in our bodies based on our exposure over the years from the environment in which we live, what we eat and the like.A product produced organically means we are exposed to less toxins and chemicals because the produce from that field has less in it or on it when we buy it. I see this as a win-win situation for all involved. There are studies that even suggest that there is an increased amount of beneficial nutrients contained in organically grown produce.
The bottom line is if you purchase organic essential oil products you are getting high quality and the most pure available, free from chemical residues.
Organic Lavender Oil
You may buy Organic Lavender Oil usually at the same shops that carry essential oils. Just look for the Organic seal and certification on the essential oil label. We have Organic Lavender essential oil for sale below you will find both Now brand Organic Lavender Oil and Aura Cacia Organic Lavender Oil:
Organic Pure Lavender Oil