Lavender Varieties
Different Lavender Plant Varieties Available
When most people think about Lavender plants they usually also expect the flower color to be in the purple range. This is thankfully so untrue when it comes to the many Lavender plant varieties available of this herb Lavandula.
Learn more about the species here and the different types of Lavender plants.

Image by Rolf Sussbrich
There are color varieties with Lavender flowers ranging from spring green to the deepest royal purple imaginable. Then you have the colors in between such as the whites, pinks, indigos, yellow and even red.
We have a Lavender Variety Pack Available which includes one plant each of Provence, Dwarf Munstead, Spanish Stoechas, French Dentata and Goodwin Creek Grey.
It doesn't end there either, see all the types of Lavender variety below.
Variety in Plant Size
There is also variety when it comes to size and shape of the Lavender plant. You have the dwarf Lavender varieties with their compact form that works well tucked into your landscape. Then you have the show stopping large mounding varieties such as Lavender Hidcote Giant with their long flower spikes that really put on a show in your garden as well as take up a large piece of your garden space. Learn more about the mature sizes of English Lavender.
Variety of Foliage
The foliage can differ among varieties in both color and shape. You may choose the unusual yellow green of Lavandula viridis, the fuzzy gray foliage of Woolly Lavender, the beautiful fern like detail of Lavandula dentata, the bright silver velvet like leaves of Lavandula chaytorae, or the lacey leaves of Lavandula multifida or Lavender pinnata.
Foliage varies in length and narrowness of the individual leaves between varieties as well.
Variety of Flower Shape and Flower Form
Flowers not only vary in color among the varieties of Lavender but also in shape, size, length of stems or flower spikes, and in whether there is a single or forked end to the inflorescence.
You have the Stoechas or Spanish varieties with their lovely single pineapple shape headed blooms, as well as those plants carrying up to three blooms per stem with lower axillary shoots (Pterostachys Lavenders.) Then there are the lovely Spica type Lavenders. Just look at the pictures of Lavender plants in our gallery to see the differences in shape and form.
Variety in Fragrance
The aroma is not the same among the different plants. You have the sweet true scent of the edible culinary Lavender varieties also known as the angustifolias (English varieties). The camphory clean scent of the intermedias (hybrid Lavandins) and the sharp stout fragrance of the latifolias (Spike Lavenders.)
Variety in Cold Hardiness
With Lavender growing across different continents and different climate regions some plants are more hardy than others. There are those hardy Lavender varieties such as the angustifolias that will tolerate a hard freeze and then those that are classified as tender due to not being cold hardy. You may always grow a particular variety in a pot and move it to a sheltered location to overwinter if it doesn't suit your planting zone.
With all this diversity available you may rest assured that there is a plant that will work for you in your garden. You can now see how easy it is to fall in love with this wonderful herb and plant a Lavender flower garden of your own.
Shopping for Lavender plants online will give you the best selection from the wide variety available. There are some Lavender varieties that even produce seeds allowing you to grow your own Lavender plants from seed. Some plants are sterile and require propagation of new plant by Lavender cuttings.
Thankfully too all of the varieties require the same basic growing conditions when it comes to soil and light requirements, watering, and plant care.
Tips for Planting Lavender Successfully