Lavender Hidcote
Lavender Hidcote Purple
Lavender Hidcote Purple is a wonderful angustifolia Lavender plant also called 'Hidcote Variety' or 'Hidcote Blue' that bears masses of flowering spikes with rich purple Lavender flowers. This is a mid-sized, semi-dwarf variety when considering mature plant size.
Image by Magnus Manske
Hidcote Lavender Plants
The bright color of the flowers are retained when dried and look wonderful in craft arrangements or dried Lavender wreaths. Lavender Hidcote is one of my favorite plants due to intense purple color.
This variety gets its name from Hidcote Manor in England as it was cultivated there by Major Lawrence Johnston. This Lavender variety is thought to be a cultivar of Lavandula angustifolia (English Lavender). The flower color of Lavender Hidcote plants is simply amazing as it is very purple! Remember the name Lavandula angustifolia hidcote!
Buy 1 Hidcote Plant Potted
Buy 1 Gallon Hidcote Lavender Plant
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Buy 18 Hidcote Lavender Plants
Lavender Hidcote Superior
Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote Superior' originated in Schwarmstedt, Germany in 2002 by Jelitto Perennial Seeds.
This Lavender has one of the darkest purple flower colors with green foliage.
Blooms once in the spring reaching a height of 20 - 24 inches. Hardy in zones 5 - 9 recommended spacing of plants is about 24 inches apart. Very dark purple blooms on 6-8 inch stems.
Lavender Hidcote Giant
Hidcote Giant is an intermediate Lavandin and very vigorous grower (36 - 40 inches) with a lovely strong fragrance.
Hidcote Giant has amazingly large fat medium deep colored Lavender-purple flowers on very long 24 to 30 inch stems. Bloom time is in early summer.
The name is correct so space plants 42 to 48 inches apart. Hardy in zones 5-9. A real showstopper!
Lavender Hidcote Pink
Hidcote pink is almost identical and sometimes confused with Nana Rosea but the foliage is much grayer and the leaves are much narrower in form. This is a dwarf English cultivar with that lovely strong sweet scent. Pink Lavender contrasts beautifully especially planted next to the dark purple of Hidcote or a white flower variety. Excellent for culinary use.