Lavender Flower Gardening
Making your own Lavender Flower Garden
Lavender flower gardening is rewarding in more ways than regular flower gardening. This is a low maintenance shrub that produces lovely, fragrant Lavender flowers that can be used in a large variety of ways; Lavender oil uses span the range from cooking to crafting and even medicinally and is also popular for other uses throughout the home such as cleaning.
Lavender grows well and doesn't need rich soil or a lot of fussy care but can do nicely growing in a sandy loam on a sun baked bank. Just remember to water occasionally if it gets too dry but not too much or you will have problems with Lavender.
With a Lavender flower garden you can have plants in flower for almost the entire growing season. Simply choose Lavender plants that have early, middle, and late season blooms. This way you can a succession of flowers and most will repeat if you cut or harvest your blooms. You can even make Lavender oil with your harvested flowers or maybe some Lavender flower water.
Combine Lavender Flower Plants for Continuous Bloom
Creating a Lavender flower garden is a simple as combining your plants for a full season of color and fragrance. Lavender planted in groups is attractive to butterflies and other beneficial insects. Remember when choosing plants to keep in mind what you would like to do with your Lavender as this will help you decide just when to harvest your blooms and also which types of Lavender you will want to plant.
Will you want to make your own Lavender oil from your garden? English Lavender varieties produce essential oil with the sweetest fragrance and the all the plants in the species are attractive to butterflies. Are you planning to plant your Lavender garden simply for color and variety?
Mix and match your plants to make a visually interesting Lavender flower garden. Combine the unusual flowers of Lavandula stoechas with that of Lavandula angustifolia for visual interest.
Not only do you have a number of different Lavender varieties to choose from you also have plants that vary in mature size as well allowing you to tuck one in here or there. This is great if you feel you cannot allot enough space to some of the larger growing ones.

You may decide to create a herb garden with Lavender or to simply mix plants in with your existing plantings. Lavender does wonderfully covering up the soil around the bases of roses. Plus you cannot beat the combination of Lavender and roses visually or fragrance wise. Source your Lavender plants as well as others here and also be sure to see our resources for more useful information.
Imagine walking through your very own Lavender garden, taking in the fragrance and color. What could be more relaxing or satisfying at the end of the day than growing Lavender in your flower garden? Here are more Lavender garden ideas.