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Lavandula X Ginginsii

A hybrid Lavender

     This is a hybrid Lavender cross between Lavandula dentata with Lavandula Lanata or Woolly Lavender. There is only one known selection to date and that Lavender is Goodwin Creek Grey. This plant was named in honor of Baron Frederic Charles Jean Gingins de la Sarraz (1790-1863), who wrote a monograph on the species Lavandula.

Leaf detail of Lavender Goodwin Creek Grey Plant

Lavandula Ginginsii Goodwin Creek

     Goodwin Creek Grey Lavender originated in 1991 at Goodwin Creek Gardens in Williams, Oregon by Jim Becker. This wonderful plant was a chance seedling found growing underneath a Lavandula dentata bush. The name is often misspelled and the proper name spelling is "Grey" with an "e".

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     The flower color is a rich violet purple that contrasts nicely with the silver gray toothed edged leaves, which are very similar to dentata, but a lot larger and whiter in color when mature. This Lavender blooms continuously starting in early spring and has been known to keep pushing out the blooms through the winter months in very mild areas.

     Plants produce very long and large rich purple blooms. The flowers are highly fragrant. Mature plants reach 36 inches in height when in bloom, producing conical flowers on 6 - 8 inch stems.

     Hardy in zones 8-10 , this is a tender Lavender plant that must be given winter protection during the colder months. Does well in areas that have slightly higher humidity such as the Southeastern US. An extremely ornamental Lavender cultivar!

Lavnadula Ginginsii - Goodwin Creek Grey Plant

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