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Everything-Lavender.Com uses affiliate programs for site monetization, which helps to offset the costs incurred in hosting and the running of this site. This means that there are some merchant links that when you click through and make a purchase result in a very tiny commission credited to this site. I want to assure you that credibility is of utmost importance and that the products services we promote are of the highest quality.
Everything-Lavender.Com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.
Some other affiliations include Ebay, Clickbank, Diffuser World and Commission Junction.
Everything-Lavender.Com does not sell any products directly but earns money through affiliations and sponsors. We do not and will not accept payments for product reviews/recommendations of any kind. This keeps our opinions unbiased and our reviews credible.
Legal Stuff
Everything-Lavender.Com will not held responsible for any liability issues regarding products purchased outside of this site or recipes contained hereon. I know that must sound awful but it's necessary legal stuff that must be addressed. Honesty and integrity is important to us and we do our best to screen products and not refer you to junk.
Third Party Sponsor Ads
Sponsor ads appear through out this site and may appear either in text or image by Google AdSense (they are labeled with "Ads by Google".) Everything-lavender.Com cannot personally endorse any or all of the products or services in these ads. There are only so many hours in the day and we rather be providing you the reader with interesting content.
There is no affiliation with Everything-Lavender.Com and any of these companies. The only affiliation present is between Everything-Lavender.Com and Google.
In plain speak, we Everything-Lavender.Com receive a small commission from these ads by Google, hence the name Adsense or (Ad cents.) This basically defers the costs of site upkeep such as hosting etc...
Now that all that is over lets get back to talking about Lavender.
Everything-Lavender.Com is not responsible for any use or formulation of any recipe listed on this site. It is your sole responsibility to educate yourself on essential oils, to understand their unique properties and to use sound judgment in their use.