Bunching and Drying Lavender
Exactly When to Start Harvesting Lavender Flower?
Summer days are captured in the wonderful smell of dried Lavender. The wonderful fragrance is released for almost a year and the color slowly fades to an indigo depending on the variety of Lavender harvested.
When harvested commercially for drying purposes, fresh Lavender flower is bunched and tied up on large drying racks filling the storehouse with it's fragrance. Experiencing the smell that comes from rack upon rack of drying Lavender flowers must be experienced so try to visit a Lavender farm near you.
If you grow Lavender plants then you can dry Lavender flowers at home. You don't need a lot of space just a spot with good ventilation away from sunlight. Here is how to dry Lavender.
Drying Lavender Flowers
For drying Lavender flowers all you need are some rubber bands, a pair of sharp scissors and an old wire coat hanger if you have one. Take bunches of Lavender flowers and cut them going down about 1 -1/2 inches into the soft green growth but not down into the woody areas. This will let you get long stems which are useful later when making certain items or using your dried Lavender in arrangements.
Secure each bunch of Lavender flowers with a rubber band and then hang them up on the hanger. You can use some paperclips to hook onto the band then to the hanger. Now put your bounty of drying Lavender flowers away in a cool dark place. When you check on them later in about a week you will be happily surprised with bright colored and very fragrant dried Lavender bunches.
When harvested for essential oil production fully mature fresh flower blooms are carted off for steam distillation. The Lavender flowers are then loaded into the Still which extracts the essential oil. The Lavender oil is aged for several months before being sold.
Cutting Lavender Flowers For Drying
When should you cut your Lavender for drying? The cutting of Lavender flowers from your home flower garden can be done at various times. Harvest blooms for drying and dried craft arrangements just before the florets burst open while they are still swollen. Learn more about Lavender flower development and see a picture of the different flower stages.
For sachets, potpourris, wands, and soaps cut later after the blooms have opened and the fragrance aroma and the oil content have fully developed and is at it's peak. Drying Lavender for maximum fragrance means harvesting at the right time in the flowers life cycle.
Nothing can be more rewarding than growing, harvesting and drying Lavender and then creating something from your own Lavender plants.
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