Welcome to Everything-Lavender!
your source for the best, most exhaustive information all about growing Lavender.
I want to help you find information for everything from Lavender Essential Oil uses and benefits, to Lavender farms, and how to grow your own Lavender plants. I also have recipes for some pretty tasty treats.
New Plants are available in our UK Store Shop Now
I want to help you find information for everything from Lavender Essential Oil uses and benefits, to Lavender farms, and how to grow your own Lavender plants. I also have recipes for some pretty tasty treats.

New Plants are available in our UK Store Shop Now
What Is Lavender ?
Lavender has long been one of my favorite plants. Maybe it's one of yours too and that's why you're here. To begin this journey the information links that you need are to your left where you will learn everything you need to know about this herb and more.
Lavender Information galore from choosing, planting, growing, pruning, harvesting and top Lavender oil uses, we have you covered !

Treasured for years for its fragrance and lovely blooms, this plant, has many medicinal properties as well. The genus Lavandula is made up of about 30 different species of plants in the mint family. Like other herbs the flowers are especially attractive to beneficial insects and lovely butterflies.

Lavender - How is it Used?
Here you will learn of the wonderful soothing, calming qualities of this herb also known as Lavandula species. The beneficial qualities include that of calming irritability, relieving depression/anxiety and promoting sleep.
A wonderfully fragrant highly regarded essential oil is distilled from the blossoms, leaves and stems of this shrubby perennial and it is grown in large fields for harvest. The fragrance itself has long been symbolic of cleanliness and purity since the Victorian era. Lavender is beneficial for your skin.
Did you know it was considered an "herb of love" during the middle ages? It supposedly worked in two ways as both an aphrodisiac and as something that would keep you chaste if you wore it. Lavender flower tosses are becoming popular at weddings.
There are different species of Lavender and the plants are found growing across different continents of the world under various conditions. You would be amazed by the number and varieties available as well as by all the different colors and flower shapes. Did you know that there is a yellow variety?
Plants are very easy to maintain once you have learned how to grow Lavender and how to choose from the varieties of plants available.
When you finish your journey, maybe, you too will have a Lavender plant of your own to care for growing in your backyard or better yet a whole Lavender flower garden.

Lavender Information Links
These links here to your upper lower left are for some of the nicest products available made from this lovely herb plant. You will find candles, soaps, essential oils, perfumes, plants, extract, and more. I hope that you find this Lavender site both useful and informative.
Please do check back frequently as we will constantly be adding new information about Lavender and links to lovely products along with craft how tos and food recipes to try out. There will also be links to Lavender farms you can visit so that you may see for yourself the fields of purple and how they harvest the Lavender flower blooms..
We welcome your craft ideas and pictures as well so please do send them to me along with any site suggestions you may have on things you like to see or information that your searching for I want this to be the best, most comprehensive and complete site with everything covered.
Enjoy Your Visit and Come Back Soon!
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Everything-Lavender.Com is not responsible for any use or formulation of any recipe listed on this site. It is your sole responsibility to educate yourself on essential oils, to understand their unique properties and to use sound judgment in their use.